How to Sue an Insurance Company Without a Lawyer: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you have a dispute with your insurance company over a claim, you may want to sue them to get the compensation you deserve.

However, hiring a lawyer can be expensive and time-consuming, and you may not have the resources or the desire to do so.

Fortunately, you can sue an insurance company without a lawyer, if you are prepared and informed.

In this article, we will show you how to sue an insurance company without a lawyer, by following these steps:

Understanding your policy and documenting communications is crucial when suing without a lawyer
Understanding your policy and documenting communications is crucial when suing without a lawyer

Table of Contents

Step 1: Understand Your Policy and Your Rights

Before using, grasp your policy and rights. It’s a contract detailing coverage, exclusions, limitations, and obligations.

Read carefully, comply with terms like premium payments and claim deadlines, and cooperate in investigations.

Know your rights, including receiving a written explanation of claim denials or delays, appealing decisions, and suing for bad faith or breach of contract.

Step 2: Gather Evidence and Documentation

To sue an insurance company, you need to have evidence and documentation to support your claim and your lawsuit.

You need to gather all the relevant information and records, such as:

  • Your policy and your claim number
  • Your correspondence and communication with the insurance company, such as letters, emails, phone calls, or texts
  • Your proof of loss, such as receipts, invoices, estimates, or appraisals
  • Your medical records and bills, if your claim involves personal injury or health care
  • Your police report and witness statements, if your claim involves an accident or a crime
  • Your photos and videos, if your claim involves property damage or physical evidence
  • Your expert opinions and testimonies, if your claim involves complex or technical issues

You need to organize and label your evidence and documentation and make copies for yourself and the court.

Step 3: File a Complaint with the Insurance Company

Before suing, file a complaint with the insurer.

Send a letter with your details, claim info, incident specifics, damages, disagreement reasons, desired actions, and evidence copies.

Set a 30-day response deadline, send via certified mail with a return receipt, and keep a copy for yourself.

Step 4: Send a Demand Letter to the Insurance Company

If the insurer ignores your complaint or offers an unsatisfactory settlement, send a demand letter.

Clearly state your intention to sue, specify the amount sought, and justify it with details on damages, medical expenses, lost income, pain, suffering, and legal fees.

Attach evidence, set a response deadline (usually 10-14 days), and send the letter via certified mail with a return receipt.

Retain a copy for your records.

Step 5: File a Small Claims Lawsuit Against the Insurance Company

If the insurer rejects your demand letter or settlement offer, file a small claims lawsuit within jurisdictional limits (typically $2,500-$15,000).

Complete forms, pay the filing fee ($30-$100), and serve the company through certified mail, a process server, or a sheriff.

Maintain proof of service for both yourself and the court.

Step 6: Consider Mediation or Arbitration

Before you go to trial, you may want to consider mediation or arbitration, which are alternative dispute resolution methods that can help you settle your dispute with the insurance company without going to court.

Mediation is a voluntary and informal process, where a neutral third party, called a mediator, helps you and the insurance company communicate and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution.

Arbitration is a binding and formal process, where a neutral third party, called an arbitrator, hears both sides of the dispute and makes a final decision.

Mediation and arbitration can save you time and money, and avoid the stress and uncertainty of a trial.

However, they also have some drawbacks, such as the lack of appeal rights, the limited discovery, and the potential bias of the mediator or the arbitrator.

Step 7: Prepare for Trial

If mediation or arbitration fails, prepare for trial.

Present your case to a judge or jury, and the insurance company will present its defense.

You need to:
  • Review your evidence and documentation, and make sure they are admissible and relevant
  • Prepare your witnesses and testimonies, and make sure they are credible and consistent
  • Prepare your opening statement and closing argument, and make sure they are clear and persuasive
  • Prepare your questions and objections, and make sure they are appropriate and respectful
  • Dress professionally act courteously, and follow the court rules and etiquette

Step 8: Go to Trial

On the day of the trial, you need to go to the courthouse, check in with the clerk, and wait for your case to be called. You need to:

  • Present your opening statement, where you introduce yourself, explain the facts of the case, and state your claim and your demand
  • Present your evidence and documentation, where you show the judge or the jury your proof of loss, your medical records, your photos, or your videos
  • Present your witnesses and testimonies, where you call your witnesses to the stand, ask them questions, and let them tell their stories
  • Cross-examine the insurance company’s witnesses, where you ask them questions to challenge their credibility, their reliability, or their consistency
  • Present your closing argument, where you summarize your case, highlight your main points, and ask the judge or the jury to rule in your favor
  • Listen to the insurance company’s closing argument, where they summarize their defense, highlight their main points, and ask the judge or the jury to rule in their favor
  • Listen to the judge’s or the jury’s verdict, where they announce their decision and award you or the insurance company the damages or the relief
  • Accept or appeal the verdict, where you either agree or disagree with the outcome, and decide whether to file an appeal or not


Suing without a lawyer is challenging but with preparation, it’s possible.

Understand your policy, gather evidence, file a complaint, send a demand letter, and consider mediation.

Be aware of risks like process complexity, costs, insurance company resources, and potential case loss.

Consult a lawyer before suing, especially for high-value or complex cases.

Find more of our informative articles here.

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